Monday, June 7, 2010 § 0
I meet this unassuming character in a pub on the west coast with a pink glass eye, he had half his right leg missing and his three middle fingers missing on each hand, once i stop looking him up and down, and was able to looking him in the eye, he said to me over a hot toddy, Right lad, did you know you can make some good coin selling vomit, i had no idea what he was on about, he mumbled on about drift wood, sea weed and sea gulls feathers, then he said thats right its whale spew boy, the only treasure us pirates have left to fight over, come and have a look. It was a weird sequence of events how that day paned out, no photos of him which would have been more interesting than the spew, but anyway here it is.

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- Author: jeremy pierce
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